What to Expect During Your Wisdom Teeth Healing Process

Having your wisdom teeth extracted can be a daunting experience. But knowing that the healing process doesn’t have to be unpleasant or uncomfortable is important. With proper Wisdom Teeth After Care, you can expect a smooth and successful recovery. Here is what you should anticipate while your wisdom teeth are recovering:

1) Bleeding

The amount of bleeding after a wisdom tooth extraction varies from person to person. Immediately after the procedure, gauze pads will be placed over the wound to help stop any bleeding. You may need to change them every 20-30 minutes for the first hour or two until the bleeding has stopped completely. It is normal to have some oozing of blood or saliva mixed with blood for up to 24 hours after the operation. If you experience significant bleeding beyond this period, contact your dentist immediately.

2) Swelling

Swelling is also common after having your wisdom teeth removed and usually peaks within 48 hours of surgery. Applying cold compresses to the outside of your face around your cheeks and jawline will help reduce swelling and discomfort in this area. Avoid hot compresses as they may irritate the area and cause further inflammation and pain.

3) Pain

It is very normal to experience pain as your mouth heals from a wisdom tooth extraction, but this should decrease over time during the recovery period. Regular use of medication such as ibuprofen or paracetamol (e.g. Tylenol) can help reduce pain levels significantly during this time, so make sure you follow your dentist’s instructions about dosage and frequency of use.

4) Numbness around the mouth

It is common to feel numb around the mouth after an extraction due to the local anesthetic used by the dentist during the procedure, which will gradually wear off over several hours after the procedure. Be careful not to bite down too hard on anything until full sensation returns to avoid accidentally biting your tongue/lips/cheeks etc. due to the lack of feeling in these areas.

5) Bruising & Discolouration

Discoloration in the form of bruising around the mouth and swelling is also to be expected after surgery due to trauma caused by the surgical instruments used by the dentist during the procedure. These should begin to fade within 7-10 days of surgery depending on the individual’s healing process.

6) Bad taste in the mouth

Due to the accumulation of food debris left behind at the site of extraction, bad taste in the mouth is also quite common after wisdom teeth removal which results in dryness & foul smell from the mouth at times. To counter this, a good oral hygiene routine including regular rinsing with lukewarm saline solution can help restore normal taste to the mouth. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids will help keep dehydration at bay & prevent dry socket formation, which will only aggravate the symptoms.

7) Dietary Restrictions

As chewing hard/solid foods puts extra strain on the wound site & increases the risk of infection, dietary restrictions are imposed initially for a rapid healing period i.e. consume soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, etc. which don’t require much effort on the part of the patient while eating them & thus put less pressure on the surgical sites facilitating a faster recovery time frame.

8) Follow-up

Visits Most importantly, follow-up visits with the same dental professional who performed the original surgery are an essential part of wisdom teeth after care regime since they provide valuable insight into the overall health condition inside the oral cavity allowing quick detection of even minor changes taking place inside the patient’s mouth cavities if any occurred due to improper care taken by the patient himself before their appointed check update arrives.

By getting informed ahead about what might happen during the wisdom teeth healing period, one can take necessary precautions beforehand thereby reducing chances of experiencing major complications later down the road when dealing with wisdom teeth extractions…