Some Important Things You Must Know About Pneumonia

Lung inflammation (also called pneumonia) is a condition where your lungs are inflamed due to viral or bacterial infections. This inflammatory reaction in the lung tissue causes swelling and fluid buildup, which can be accompanied by fever and chills. The swelling of the air sacs inside the lungs leads to an inability to breathe normally.

Pneumonia disease is also known as lung inflammation disease this is a condition when the infected person’s lungs are been damaged and causes some major damage in the fragile tissue’s of their lungs. In this disease the infected person’s both of the lungs get swelled up with a sticky fluid. This is a serious medical condition and if you ever see it inside you then proper treatment is necessary.

In this article we will discuss some of the easiest steps you can take to control lung inflammation and AIDS.

What is Pneumonia?

According to the CDC, pneumonia is an infection caused when bacteria or viruses enter your body. However, most cases of pneumonia are not caused by these organisms, but rather, by another organism — such as a virus or fungi. In fact, many people with HIV/AIDS have been known to get pneumonia.

The symptoms range from mild respiratory illness to severe pneumonia that may require hospitalization. If left untreated, it can cause serious complications such as sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), or even death. According to the National Institutes of Health, a person can become infected with pneumococcal pneumonia if they come into contact with a large number of infected people within a short period of time. They can also catch it through contaminated water or food. Pneumonia is contagious because it spreads quickly among those who are coughing and sneezing.

While there are plenty of antibiotics on the market today, they don’t always work against resistant strains of bacteria. It is important that you stay away from taking medication unless your doctor specifically prescribes it for you.

You should also avoid using over-the-counter cough drops or medications containing codeine, as both of these can actually make things worse. You should instead rely on good oral hygiene practices to keep germs out of your mouth and throat. And if you do need to use a medication, try to limit it to only two days at a time, since prolonged use has been linked to increased risk of developing antibiotic resistance.

How to Prevent Pneumonia?

To prevent getting pneumonia, you need to practice good oral hygiene. This means keeping your mouth clean by brushing and flossing twice daily, and avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and drugs that could affect your immune system. If you smoke, you should quit immediately, especially if you’re a man. Smoking damages your lungs and makes them more susceptible to infections.

If you have diabetes, you should see a specialist to monitor your blood sugar level, since poor diabetes management can increase your chances of developing pneumonia. Other health issues that put you at higher risk include heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma, or having recently been hospitalized.

Another way to help reduce your risk of pneumonia is to maintain a healthy weight. Research shows that overweight individuals are at a greater risk of developing pneumonia than their thinner counterparts. Losing just 10 pounds can reduce your risk of developing pneumonia by 16 percent.

How to Treat Pneumonia?

As mentioned above, antibiotics are effective in treating bacterial pneumonia. But while antibiotics can kill off the bad bacteria, they don’t address the viruses and fungi responsible for causing pneumonia. As such, they won’t cure your pneumonia unless you start fighting those other pathogens too. If you develop pneumonia, it is recommended that you consult your doctor about starting an antiviral treatment.

Antibiotics are typically prescribed for patients who show signs of pneumonia and have difficulty breathing. For example, if you have high fever, rapid breathing or chest pain, and feel weak, you should seek medical advice immediately.

If you experience any of these warning signs, you should still visit your doctor to determine whether you need to be hospitalized.

  •   Shortness of breath
  •   Pain with breathing
  •   Fever
  •   Chills
  •   Difficulty swallowing
  •   Rapid breathing
  •   Confusion
  •   Coughing up blood
  •   Weakness

For people with HIV/AIDS, you should first consult your doctor before starting any new treatment regimen. Your doctor may consider switching to another drug class if your current drug does not seem to be working well. Depending on your specific case, your doctor may prescribe a combination of different types of medicine. For example, if one type of medication doesn’t seem to be working, your doctor might add another type of medication to treat the infection.

Other Tips to Stay Healthy

Here are several additional tips that can help you stay healthy during cold weather. It is very important that you pay attention to all of these suggestions so that you remain safe and sound throughout the winter season.

Keep your hands washed often. Germs are spread easily through handshakes, touching shared items, or simply through being in close proximity to someone else. Therefore, washing your hands regularly reduces the likelihood of spreading infections like influenza, or other kinds of pneumonia.

Avoid crowds and crowded public places. Crowded environments provide ample opportunities for the transmission of germs, and this can lead to outbreaks of disease. Avoid going to public transportation late at night or after dark, as this is also when there are fewer people around to stop you from spreading germs. If you must go out, make sure you wear long sleeves and pants, avoid shaking hands, and thoroughly wash your clothes after leaving the bathroom or changing rooms.

Wear a face mask. This is a simple precautionary measure that can protect you from contracting germs, including the flu. You should wear a face mask whenever you are near someone who is sick, particularly if they are coughing.

Get vaccinated. There are vaccines on the market that aim to prevent seasonal illnesses like influenza, as well as diseases like measles and chickenpox.

Stay hydrated. Dehydration can worsen existing conditions or cause new ones to develop. To stay hydrated, drink plenty of fluids, especially if you are suffering from a headache, nausea, weakness, or diarrhea.

Eat foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for repairing damaged cells in your body, thereby preventing further damage to your tissues. Foods rich in vitamin C include oranges, tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, strawberries, and other fruits and vegetables.